One of the more discouraging things I witnessed while in the Holy Land were demolitions. I can’t think of any reason why the destruction of personal property–homes, things like solar panels and water cisterns–is warranted. Especially when the reasons are for the expansion of settlements, which are illegal by internationalContinue Reading

“They don’t let them into the city to meet real Palestinians anymore!” Words shared with me yesterday outside the Nativity Church in Bethlehem from Ahmed. “They are just greedy and selfish.” I’m finishing a 3 month term serving with EAPPI as an Ecumenical Accompanier, providing protective presence to vulnerable communities,Continue Reading

According to Jesus, there is no authentic Christianity, discipleship or Christian ethics apart from doing the deeds he taught his followers to do – Glen Stassen Life naturally provides those moments and occasions of unintentional contemplation, times when the foundations of life seem swept away and we are left withContinue Reading