A year ago, March 2018 we were preparing for our trip to Palestine to help with a couple multi-narrative tours of the Holy Land. Later in our time I had the opportunity to teach a class on peacemaking in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for North Park Theological Seminary. Also, as a newly married couple, we wanted to be among friends in Palestine, to learn, to listen, to support. We also made plans to connect with some Jewish friends, to hear their side of the story and try to understand their fears. This would be Cari’s first visit.

Pretty much the day we left the country the Great March of Return protests began in Gaza. In late May we had the opportunity to go to the border with a large group of Jewish peace activists and advocate for ending the crazy killing, once again, of Palestinians from Gaza wanting freedom and equal rights. It seems like the craziness increases over time. Even in the face of what was initially peaceful protest. This video is a fair-minded portrayal of the situation as we see it. Please watch this video.