These are More Questions Related to our Study Guide and Movies on Peacemaking, focusing on “Why is There a Conflict.” Refer to study guide video #2 for exploring the questions below.

Huda Giddens lived through the initial conflicts that led to the birth of the State of Israel. But as a Palestinian Christian she refers to the same event as the Nakba, which means catastrophe in Arabic. We recommend that you view a six and a half minute video produced by Jewish Voice for Peace which gives a narrative version of the modern conflict. It’s helpful and it’s from a Jewish activist organization.

  1. What struck you in Huda’s story? Spend some time considering the stories of both the Palestinians and Israelis in both movies (Muther Isaac, Mazin Farij, Claire Anastas, Daniel (the former Israeli soldier), Sahar Vardi, Judy Bamberger).
  2. What was most illuminating for you in the Jewish Voice for Peace video on the history of the conflict?
  3. Is there anything that makes it difficult for you to identify or empathize with either the Palestinian or Israeli narrative of the conflict? Why?
  4. What’s the difference between a peace talker and a peacemaker? Should the Israel of the Bible be seen like the Israel of today?