Wow, tonight was a special blessing! I just got home, around midnight from a gathering with this group pictured above. They are an emerging cell group with people from Brazil, Colombia, Germany, France, Sweden and me from the US. We have been invited to participate with them as we are able. Tonight we shared a time of fellowship, worship, some teaching, prayer and then tapas (literally ¨snacks¨). The tapas part is a Spanish tradition of having snacks late at night. The city is dotted with tapas bars that specialize in an entire array of things you might want to eat at this hour! Anyway, enough about food. I met our host for tonight´s meeting last September but for reasons of travel and other distractions have not been able to attend this group with any regularity. They are part of a Covenant project (esparcidos) seeking to reach the Latin American immigrants in Spain but also have a vision to serve the native underpriveleged of Barcelona. God works things in amazing ways because I also discovered tonight that our host has been developing friendships with our Mosaics project focus people who have businesses under his apartment. These people happen to be from Pakistan. They all want to meet me and begin to get to know each other. God has been putting things like this in my path weekly where I am begining to see he has gone before us, preparing the way for the Gospel to take root in new places that do not normally have much opportunity. What a privelege to be called and to step into something much, much bigger and more exciting than anything I could have planned or anticipated. Keep posted for new chapters to this one. For now there are plans to distribute hot chocolate and coffee to the homeless over the holidays and to visit the forgotten elderly in institutions. One of the members of the group is a doctor and has tapped into the social services that care for the elderly. I also hope to share over a cup of cafe con leche with our focus people as well. As I say, stay tuned.


  1. Hey who is that old codger sitting with all those young and happy people?

    Your linked to my site. I’ll look forward to checking in with you from time-to-time to find out how Spanish food is treating you.


  2. Author

    Sorry Brad,

    It just works that way here. This is a fun group. I’m old enough also where they kind of look to me as a spiritual father figure.

    God is kind to me as well as good.

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