Warm Inside, originally uploaded by papalars.

Our winter in the Seattle area has already broken records for snow and rain and we are only in the early part of January. Makes me wonder what is yet in store. Maybe since the Northern Hemisphere is beginning to tilt back toward the sun things will start to calm down. Who knows. The weather forecasters do not seem to know.

Well, with this post I’m back in the saddle on my blog. You notice the new look? I have plans to continue to develop and add components as this year unfolds, mostly more features for both my photography and writing. I want to make pictures available for my readers to use in their PowerPoints, for sermons, worship backdrops, whatever else you can imagine. I’m also seeking to submit a book proposal to a clearing house for publishers and want to get some feedback from readers. New things with my ministry are also developing and I want to keep you informed. So, hold my feet to the fire. If it gets too hot, I will just cool them in the snow outside my front door, as you see in this photo.

I took this shot using HDR a little over a week ago. Which by the way, I think I need to write a tutorial for my readers someday. I’m getting more questions about how to do this. It really is fairly simple and does not require a lot of photographic sophistication. The biggest trick is to use a tripod. Keep posted. I will write something up about this sometime soon.

Right now I have some weightier things and projects to think about and finish. I’m currently gripped, as are many of you, by the situation in Gaza and am praying for my new Palestinian friends that I made this year in the West Bank. I’ve received some first hand reports already and am burdened for those on both sides of the conflict. This all adds another layer to a very difficult life for my friends and all living in the region–Muslim, Christian, Jew and secular alike. I need to tell a bit of the story from my friends’ perspective. For now, please pray with me these days for peace in the region and progress toward a long-term solution.

Here is a story just posted on the Covenant website from a person at the Leadership conference I was at last September: Palestinian Professor Sees Role for Believers in Crisis

Have a good weekend.