“Peacemaking is a divine work. For peace means reconciliation, and God is the author of peace and of reconciliation. It is hardly surprising, therefore, that the particular blessing which attaches to peacemakers is that “they shall be called children of God.” For they are seeking to do what their Father has done, loving people with his love.” John R. W. Stott

Join Me in the Journey of Peace. Know Peace. Make Peace. Please consider generously supporting my work in peacemaking as a regular monthly commitment in 2017. While my work has expanded, I’m presently underfunded. I’ve stepped back into working with the Covenant Church in North America with Serve Globally. This will include, along with my on-going ministry in North America new ministry in North Africa and the Middle East. Thanks for joining me in this important journey, Andy Larsen. Here’s more information on what I do.