For more on Soulful Photography including tips and perspectives go here.

Sunsets during the blue hour are some of my favorite moments in a day. Even better if shared with my honey. What is the “blue hour?” Glad you asked.

The blue hour (from French l’heure bleue) is the period of twilight in the morning or evening (during the civil twilight and nautical twilight), when the Sun is at a significant depth below the horizon and residual, indirect sunlight takes on a predominantly blue shade that is different from the blue shade visible during most of the day (on clear days), which is caused by Rayleigh scattering. The blue hour occurs when the Sun is far enough below the horizon so that the sunlight’s blue wavelengths dominate due to the Chappuis absorption caused by ozone. It is a colloquial term and doesn’t have an official definition similar to dawn, dusk, and the 3 phases of twilight. Rather, it refers to a state of natural lighting that usually occurs at daybreak in the morning and during the last stages of twilight in the evening (wikipedia). 

These were taken this evening in Lincoln Park of West Seattle. Enjoy.

For more on Soulful Photography including tips and perspectives go here.

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