Students at Centro Hispano de Estudios Teologicos

This month I just finished teaching my second of 3 modules at CHET, our Hispanic Seminary in Los Angeles. Its a short plane trip from Seattle and gives me an escape from the rain for a few days! My brain has begun to hurt on day 3 each month because of my concentration. I haven’t used my Spanish this much since our days serving in Mexico in the 90’s. Could it be that long ago?

The students have been wonderful, are eager to learn and engage Muslims. We all are looking forward to our trip to the mosque next month as we go deeper and make friends with our Muslim neighbors, demonstrating the love of Christ. This month I hinted that my students probably “get it” more than me when interacting with Muslims and the Arabic language. I have Scandinavian ancestry and grew up Anglo after all.

Historically, I knew Spain was a huge intersection between Hispanic and Arabic cultures because of the Moors. I just didn’t know how much influence was reflected in the Spanish language. It’s fascinating. Below is a beginning list of words in Spanish that derive from Arabic. Here is an article that tells more of the story. If you’re a Spanish speaker you will find the list below interesting. Pray with me as we step into a mosque and relationships with Muslims in California. It’s exciting to play a role in helping a cross section of the church engage Muslims!

aceite — oil
adobe — adobe
aceituna — olive
aduana — customs (as at a border)
ajedrez — chess
Alá — Allah
alacrán — scorpion
albacora — albacore
albahaca — basil
alberca — tank, swimming pool
alcade — mayor
álcali — alkali
alcade — mayor
alcatraz — pelican
alcázar — fortress, palace
alcoba — bedroom, alcove
alcohol — alcohol
alfil — bishop (in chess)
alfombra — carpet
algarroba — carob
algodón — cotton
algoritmo — algorithm
alquimia — alchemy
almacén — storage
almanaque — almanac
almirante — admiral
almohada — pillow
alquiler — rent
alquimia — alchemy
añil — indigo
amalgama — amalgam
arroba — @ symbol
arroz — rice
asesino — assassin
atún — tuna
ayatolá — ayatollah
azafrán — saffron
azar — chance
azúcar — sugar
azul — blue (same source as English “azure”)
barrio — district
berenjena — eggplant
balde — bucket
burca — burqa
café — coffee
cero — zero
chivo — billy goat
cifra — cifra
Corán — Koran
cuscús — couscous
dado — die (singular of “dice”)
espinaca — spinach
fez — fez
fulano — what’s-his-name
gacela — gazelle
guitarra — guitar
hachís — hashish
harén — harem
hasta — until
imán — imam
islam — Islam
jaque — check (in chess)
jaque mate — checkmate
jirafa — giraffe
laca — lacquer
lila — lilac
lima — lime
limón — lemon
loco — crazy
macabro — macabre
marfil — marble, ivory
masacre — massacre
masaje — massage
máscara — mask
mazapán — marzipan
mezquita — mosque
momia — mummy
mono — monkey
muslim — muslim
naranja — orange
ojalá — I hope, God willing
olé — bravo
paraíso — paradise
ramadán — Ramadan
rehén — hostage
rincón — corner, nook
sandía — watermelon
sorbete — sherbet
sofá — sofa
rubio — blond
talco — talc
tamarindo — tamarind
tarea — task
tarifa — tariff
tártaro — tartar
taza — cup
toronja — grapefruit
zafra — harvest
zanahoria — carrot
zumo — juice