For more on Soulful Photography including tips and perspectives go here. Sunsets during the blue hour are some of my favorite moments in a day. Even better if shared with my honey. What is the “blue hour?” Glad you asked. The blue hour (from French l’heure bleue) is the periodContinue Reading

North American & International Christian Organizations (Under construction…still adding) Churches for Middle East Peace  CMEP, a coalition of 27 church communions and organizations works to mobilize US Christians to embrace a holistic perspective and to be advocates of equality, human rights, security, and justice for Israelis, Palestinians, and all peopleContinue Reading

My dear friend Joe Hendricks has done a great service putting together a straight forward plan for writing letters to advocate for peace and human rights in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. His examples are only that–cases from the Amnesty International website listing things that are wrong and must be addressed. ThanksContinue Reading