There are few topics like “peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict” (or more broadly the Middle East) which elicit stronger opinions and deeply felt emotions. When you add the layers of religion, or even try to touch politics, it’s as if you’ve invited potential conflict from the outset. Yet, it isContinue Reading

Structure of a Group Session • Warm-up and introductions. Facilitator can lead introductions and work through the study guide intro materials (5-20 minutes). In subsequent sessions review what you looked at last session • Prayer for constructive conversation, learning and application (1-2 minutes) • Session video and discussion. Watch videoContinue Reading

These questions are coupled with video #4, and the previous blog post focused on Andy’s journal and a deeper reflection on the conflict. Before exploring the questions below consider this quote. “Compassion is the sometimes fatal capacity for feeling what it’s like inside somebody else’s skin. It is the knowledgeContinue Reading

(5 min. read. But it might require more time if you consider the invitation). Upcoming Opportunities for 2020 (so far). This is why I need your support: A new collaborative effort with Love Mercy Do Justice of the Covenant Church. This is an experiential learning (<–click fmi) opportunity, helping churchesContinue Reading